Global Health Freedom Summit 2023 - Full Replay

Warning: This Content Might Change Your Life

FREE Replay offer expires October 31, 2023

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This Live Stream has ended.

Early Bird Ticket Sale for GHFS 2025 EXPIRES TODAY!

  • VIP Dinner Ticket (In-Person Only) Friday, October 10th (85 remaining)  -  Only $155.00
  • In-Person Event Ticket. Saturday, October 11th - Only $40.00

Today Only: $97

Buy TODAY and we'll include over $4,051in FREE BONUSES!

Early Bird Ticket Sale for GHFS 2025 EXPIRES TODAY!

  • VIP Dinner Ticket (In-Person Only) Friday, October 10th (85 remaining)  -  Only $155.00
  • In-Person Event Ticket. Saturday, October 11th - Only $40.00
A NEW education platform dedicated to un-censored information.

Introduce your friends to the Global Health Freedom Summit
experience in easily digestible segments in the comfort of your own home! 

WellnessMyWay Plus+
A NEW education platform dedicated to un-censored information.

Introduce your friends to the 
Global Health Freedom Summit
experience in easily digestible segments in the comfort of your own home! 

"I've attended GHFS the last 4 years and plan to come next year as well! Excellent and motivating speakers. Can tell the hosts work very hard on making sure it's a wonderful event. 
Appreciate this opportunity!!!
                                     - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Facebook Review

"...Noteworthy, trustworthy, and motivating speakers. I am thankful for this event to be in our area..." 
                                     - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Facebook Review

Our Story

We got tired of seeing the mainstream media brainwash the nation in 3-5 minute sound bites by bringing in compromised and biased "experts" who are in the pockets of Big Pharma.

We knew it was going to take more than 3-5 minute soundbites to combat the Lies and reveal the TRUTH

We realized America needed LONGFORM conversations and presentations from the True Experts who can EXPOSE the holes in the propaganda, and are NOT biased, paid-for puppets of the pharmaceutical industrial complex.

In the fall of 2020 we Launched the Global Health Freedom Summit as a live, in-person event in the face of government "mandates". (...mask up, shelter in-place, v-passports?, we heard it all....) 

The MN Attorney General heard about us, called us a potential "Super Spreader" event and threatened to shut us down.  But in spite of that, almost 2,000+ people showed up for the 2020 event anyway!

And that was it! 

We did it again in 2021 and 2022.

And Now 2023! And honestly, we’re pretty proud! 

Our mission is to provide the information and education so others can exercise their OWN Freedom of Choice.

WellnessMyWay Plus+
WellnessMyWay Plus+

It's going to take more than 3-5 minute soundbites to combat the Lies and reveal the TRUTH.

We need longform conversations and presentations from the true experts who can EXPOSE the holes in the propaganda, and are NOT biased, paid-for puppets of the pharmaceutical industrial complex.

That's why we started Global Health Freedom Summit.
Our mission isn't to convince others how to think.

Our mission is to provide the information and education so others can exercise their own freedom of choice.

Let's face it. It's not easy explaining WHY you do what you do.
And you certainly can't explain it all in a 5 minute answer.

Wouldn't be a whole lot easier to say, 
"Hey, Let me call Dr. McCullough. He can explain it better than I can."

Or "Can I introduce you to Dr Bob Zajac. He exposes how Big Pharma leverages Drs to push vaccines."

Or "Would you like to watch a presentation on the "Whole Wellness Model for Kids" by Dr. Larry Pavelsky?"

Truth is, you probably aren't the expert on all of these topics.

BUT you DO want to be able to confidently share your "Why I do what I do"

This is why we are launching WellnessMyWay Plus+

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